Elevation Dock Breaks All-Time KickStarter Funding Record

The Elevation Dock is officially the most funded project in KickStarter history. What started as a simple pitch for $75,000, has turned into a technology and design darling closing in on $1,000,000.

“It’s been a hell of a run. Looking forward to a solid night of sleep after two months without it. Then it’s laser focus on getting these shipping.” -Casey Hopkins

We are extremely proud to announce that the Elevation Dock — designed by our very close friend and partner Casey Hopkins — is the all-time highest funded project in KickStarter history. We thought it would take most of the project’s remaining four days. It didn’t.

KickStarter All-Time Highest Funded Projects

1. Elevation Dock: $943,000 and still going
2. TikTok + LunaTik: $942,578
3. Hidden Radio: $938,771

Elevation Dock

Remember, there is just a small window of time left to pledge and order a dock for yourself (or as a gift for someone you know). Once the project ends on KickStarter, there will be no way to get your hands on a dock for quite some time. Get in there and be part of history!

Be sure to follow Casey Hopkins, Elevation Lab and Think Brilliant on twitter.

filed in Design